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October 16, 2006
I'm On a Deadline Here, People
Day 1:
Go to Crafty Bastard fair in Adams Morgan with my mother-in-law. Fall in love with beautiful bright blue and green colorway of Woolarina's. Imagine it as a baby sweater. Wonder if I have enough time to knit it for the the next weekend's baby shower.* Buy the yarn. Cast on in the evening.

Days 2 through 4:
Do math. Knit. Measure. Rip. Recalculate. Knit again.
Day 5:
Finish pieces. Block.
Day 6:
Seam. Get cocky and cast on for a matching hat.
Day 7:
Attend baby shower, and give it away.

Epilogue - Day 8:
Realize that I love this yarn. Be grateful that I have another whole hank left!
*Also, realize how much I miss my knit-buddies as I struggle to make the decision without a yarn-shopping wing-(wo)man. Hope springs eternal, though -- reading Lolly's Crafty Bastard round-up shows just how great the knitting community is in the nation's capital. (But don't worry, Knitsmiths, you'll always be my first love!)
Posted by shannon at October 16, 2006 10:41 PM | For related posts: Miscellaneous Small Projects
That baby set is ADORABLE :) That is a gift they will remember forever.
Posted by: bernie at October 16, 2006 11:36 PM
way to go in hitting your deadline! love that you were cocky enough to make a matching hat :)
Posted by: Mintyfresh at October 17, 2006 6:36 AM
It's fantastic! What a lucky baby. I'm glad you had some leftover for yourself!
Posted by: Kirsten at October 17, 2006 7:57 AM
Wow, that's some quick knitting! ...you didn't even cheat with worsted weight yarn! Very nice, I'm sure it was oh so appreciated. BTW, Knitsmiths miss you too!
Posted by: Johanna at October 17, 2006 9:52 AM
Wowza, well done! We miss you too! :)
Posted by: alison at October 17, 2006 11:15 AM
That is some gorgeous yarn and the hat and sweater set is so cute! The parents have to be thrilled!
Posted by: Wanda at October 18, 2006 2:15 AM
*sniff* *sniff* We miss you too!
I do like how the baby-sweater yarn is balanced against the cocktail supplies.
Posted by: colleen at October 18, 2006 12:09 PM
¡Te quedó genial!, y a tiempo. Seguro que los papás estarán encantados.
Posted by: Andrea at October 20, 2006 12:20 PM
I love those colors and that sweater! I'm having visions of such a sweater for my nephew's xmas present. thanks for some inspiration!
Posted by: shireen at October 23, 2006 10:25 AM
If you don't mind saying, could you please let the admirers out here know what pattern book/etc. that set is from? or perhaps you designed it? It's gorgeous.
Posted by: bernie at October 23, 2006 6:16 PM
I wonder if I saw you at Crafty Bastards... I was at Paula's (Woolarina) booth for most of the day. That's a gorgeous baby set you've made!
If you need/want a new meet-up group, Paula and I both belong to one that meets in Silver Spring close to the Metro - just send me an e-mail!
Posted by: Sarah at October 25, 2006 10:09 PM
I ran across your amazingly cute blog and wanted to ask about the Half-Year Sweater - which Debbie Bliss book is it from?
Posted by: Julene at November 15, 2006 8:02 AM