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November 3, 2003
Cozy Ears
After a few abortive attempts to make a classy-yet-functional ear warmer for my friend Jill's birthday, I came up with this:

I'm pretty sure it's going to look better on Jill than it does on me -- she has long, very dark hair; the contrast with the light blue should be pretty.
It's the Berroco Zen (Mushi Gray) and Rowan Calmer (Calmer) knit in seed stitch on size 13 needles. (I can't remember how many stitches I cast on, but it was somewhere between 10 and 15).
Posted by shannon at November 3, 2003 11:40 AM | For related posts: Miscellaneous Small Projects
"Classy yet functional!" (I could hear your voice when I read that . . . you really do talk like that!) I love it. Looks nice and snug, too. Like a bug. In a rug. :)
Posted by: Kerstin at November 4, 2003 6:57 AM
Neato ear warmer! Love that seed stitch. And what a great touch adding the Zen yarn. Really gives it some class.
Posted by: alison at November 4, 2003 8:15 AM
Eet eeeez, vary nize.
(this is what you get when we have Monty Python day at work)
I likey :)
Posted by: Amber at November 4, 2003 1:19 PM
Don't you just love it when you try a combo of yarns and it works? The chosen stitch probably has something to do with it has well. Good show!
Posted by: Marie at November 5, 2003 12:18 PM
very cute! I think that I need to make something like that for winter. I'm not much of a hat person. Great inspiration!
Posted by: Julie at November 6, 2003 7:34 PM
Very retro cool!
Posted by: Becky at November 7, 2003 12:43 PM