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November 13, 2003
Companion Cap

I had a bunch of Rowan Calmer left over after I had Jillay's ear warmer, and I was trying to decide what to do with it. I remembered that Alison had made a chemo cap out of a Calmer pattern, so I asked her to loan it to me. She did, and I made good progress on the cap before leaving to go on my trip. I figured that she could wear the hat alone, or with the ear-warmer when it gets cold.
As is typical for me, I ran into a problem. For some reason, I kept losing stitches every few rows -- I think it had to do with me losing track of whether or not I was supposed to yarn-over at the end or beginning of the row. Anyway, I was down four stitches by the time I got to the decreases and when I finished and sewed it up it was too small for me. Of course, this was the night before I was supposed to give it to Jillay
Let me clarify. I have a freakishly large head, so I asked my mom to try it as well. Too big for her, too. I started ripping.
I made some progress over the next 12 hours, but couldn't get it all done. Grudgingly, I brought it back to Massachusetts to finish, and promised that I would give it to her when I saw her over Thanksgiving. It's all done now, and you can still see that it looks small on my freakishly large head.
I hate being late for birthdays. Harrumph.
Posted by shannon at November 13, 2003 10:20 PM | For related posts: Miscellaneous Small Projects
Hey there's the calmer hat - yeah! It's very pretty and I hope it fits. I'm just starting mine and am a little concerned about the size as well. The Calmer yarn seems to work up a smidge thinner than the all seasons cotton that I used for the first hat. Hmmmm....
Posted by: alison at November 14, 2003 10:20 AM