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February 13, 2004

Holy Smokes, a Completed Project!

It's small, but it's something. This is a little cap I made for a woman in my office who's expecting a baby boy. I made it with remnants of Rowan DK Handknit DK Cotton (with a contribution from Alison's stash as well!), and the design was essentially made up as I went along!

I should note that this picture doesn't really do the little hat justice -- I just didn't have time to take a new picture in better light after I did the blocking!

I'm still cabling away on Cable Hoodie (no, really! I am!) and I cast on for a new project last night! Stay tuned...

Posted by shannon at February 13, 2004 10:54 AM | For related posts: Miscellaneous Small Projects


Wow, that hat looks cool in shades of beige and taupe. Of course, I know that it's all blues. Odd what light will do, huh? Great stripes!

Go, hoodie. Knit, gringa, knit!

Posted by: alison at February 14, 2004 6:10 PM