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March 24, 2004

I had forgotten how quickly this tank knits up! I started the front on the plane to Austin and all of a sudden, it was done. Fifteen minutes of seaming later, all that's left is (1) slipping it on to make sure there's no glaring problems and (2) crocheting the edging and straps. Then it's off to the blocking board!
This mother's day gift may be done before April!
Project Name: Mom's Waikiki Tank
Pattern Source: Yarn Girls' Guide to Simple Knits; Summer in the City Tank
Size: Medium
Name of Yarn Used: Crystal Palace Waikiki (Cool Jazz), MilleFilli Fine (Turquoise No. 249)
Amount of Yarn Used: 4 skeins/balls of each (I haven't done the edging and straps yet, but I've used less than three skeins/balls of each!)
Needles Used: No. 9 Addi Turbo circulars
Other notions used: n/a
Deviations from the Pattern: I didn't do it on purpose, but on both my mom's and my Waikiki tank, I ignored the gauge. Usually my gauge is right on but it ended up being too big on both tanks -- I think that the weight of the fabric created by these two yarns together makes for looser stitches. Also, I crocheted two straps on each shoulder instead of just one on my tank. Time will tell if I'll do the same for my mom's!
Other Comments (what I wished I'd known before I started this project): I didn't get gauge using the no. 9s, but I didn't get gauge on my tank either. Since my mom wants her tank to fit her just like mine does, wrong is right for this project! Also, these yarns tend to tangle -- check them frequently while knitting before it gets too tangled to use!
Posted by shannon at March 24, 2004 9:35 AM | For related posts: For Mom, Mom's Waikiki Tank
Hi. Tank looks great. Do you remember what size needle you used on the ChicKami tank you knit for your mom in Patons Grace? Thanks.
Posted by: Kathleen at March 26, 2004 1:16 PM
Kathleen, I'm pretty sure I used the needle size called for in the pattern. I have what one might call a "casual" relationship with gauge, so I typically just use whatever needle the pattern tells me to! Good luck!
Posted by: shannon at March 26, 2004 3:30 PM