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February 27, 2006
As Good as Gold
It's not what I intended to do for the Olympics, but sometimes the best results come unintentionally. I really, really love this sweater! I made it with oddments of yarn that Knitsmith Lisa gave me. It was a typical act of Lisa-esque generosity: "You knit with cotton. Here, take these three bags of yarn." And before I could protest, she was gone.
The main colors are Cotton Fleece (I think -- Lisa, correct me if I'm wrong!), and the additional colors in the striping sequence are 100% cotton. The pattern is the Child's Placket Sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. (Because of errors in the original text, the author published a corrected version on-line (that's a PDF!).) I made three major changes. First, I recalculated for my (loosey-goosey) gauge. Then, to make sure that the sweater was adequately "girly", I did a picot hem on the body and sleeves instead of the seed stitch called for. Then, obviously, I threw in some crazy striping. (Note to self: remember that said crazy striping led to added bulkiness under the arms -- all those ends have to go somewhere!)

And how goes the original Olympic project, you ask? Well, as evidenced by its absence in this post I did not finish it in time. But I made good progress yesterday when my back of the envelope calculations for the turtleneck set-up rows worked on the first try! After the other calculating and counting woes with this sweater, I think this proves that I just really needed a break from it. Unfortunately, that break has to last a bit longer, as I have a baby shower present that must be done very, very soon. I should be back to the Olympic sweater by the end of the week!
Posted by shannon at February 27, 2006 2:50 PM | For related posts: For Me!, Miscellaneous Small Projects, Olympic Knitting
That is so sweet, and I love the picot hems! What a wonderful way to make it more girly. I might just knit one of those, now that I have seen the picot hems. Brilliant, I tell you.
Posted by: katie at February 27, 2006 4:34 PM
Cute cute cute, and how totally your colors! Yeah baby!
Posted by: Johanna at February 27, 2006 7:05 PM
It's so, so, so cute!
Posted by: Colleen at February 28, 2006 8:43 AM
so stinkin cute...great use of those cotton oddballs...yes, light pink and brown are cotton fleece and the darker pink is karabella zodiac (from my crocheting days...or daze)...can't wait to see the olympic sweater which will be worth the wait...
Posted by: lisa b at February 28, 2006 3:21 PM
adorable, shannon! I love thte browns and pinks together - no too babyesque. And I am loving the buttons. Tiny dutch children everywhere should have them on their jackets. Can't wait to see the olympian - it could be a pattern to copy...
Posted by: thea at February 28, 2006 6:28 PM
such a totally cute sweater, I love it. The striping is something I haven't seen before on the placket neck sweater and is a great idea.
Posted by: Wanda at March 1, 2006 8:52 PM
Oh, it's absolutely lovely! I love the girly details and the colors you used.
Posted by: Oiyi at March 1, 2006 11:07 PM