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June 23, 2006
I have put this off long enough!

By this time next week, Jason and I will be moving all of our possessions into a sweet little row house we now own in Washington, DC.
This is a very good move for us -- we'll be closer to family, he's got a great job, and my employment prospects are much improved simply by being in the nation's capitol. Our new place is in a neighborhood we love with friends nearby. We're excited, but also a tad overwhelmed with the moving, and a little sad, too. I've moved countless times since I graduated from college, and I've learned that every prospective move has happy parts and sad parts. If the happy parts generally outweigh the sad parts, it's a good move. On balance, this is one of the happiest moves I've ever made, but the sad parts are -- as always -- making me a little weepy.
So why have I been avoiding this blog like the plague? Weepiness is not usually a deterrent to blogging for me. In this case, though, I think it's because many of the sad parts of this move are connected to knitting! I'm leaving some yarn stores I've grown to love (and some I've grown to just tolerate because of their outstanding inventory!), and a knitting group that introduced me to the pleasures of knitting as a social activity. Above all, we'll be farther from the good friends we've made in Boston than we'd like, and no friends are harder to leave behind than Alison, her husband (and Jason's fellow tech guy!), and, of course, their boys.
So everytime I thought of blogging, I'd think of what knitting project I would write about and that would lead me to think about how much I'll miss the Boston yarns stores and Knitsmiths and Alison and the gang, and... I'd put it off. I'd bet the propensity for weepiness will increase between now and next week, so look for me to be back here telling you about my new LYS some time after that!
See you on the other side!
Posted by shannon at 11:52 AM | Comments (11) | For related posts: