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May 6, 2006
Labor of Love
It's a blast from the past: Jason's Black Watch Plaid socks! You might recall that these were originally gifted at Christmas, but turned out to be a bit big. A "bit big" was a bit of an understatment, and I ended up re-knitting them entirely. I added some ribbing, knit them from the toe-up and, hey, they only took four months!

So why a labor of love? When both socks were finished a few weeks ago, I held them up and realized one was much wider than the other. How could that be? My knitting is crazy loose, but consistently so. Closer investigation revealed that I had knit the first sock in a 2x2 rib, and the second in a 3x1 rib. Idiot!
I was not about to rip out the entire second sock. Well, I could have, but it would have annoyed me so much that I would have had to banish them to the bottom of my pile of knitting until I forgave them (and by "them" I mean "myself"). Goodness knows how long they would have languished. So, I improvised. On the 3x1 sock, I went around and one at a time dropped every third stitch all the way back to the beginning of the rib. Then I used a crochet hook to pick up the stitch and turn it from a knit into a purl all the way back up to the cuff (toe-up, remember). Twelve times I did this, cursing my inattention to detail all the while. It was tedious and the dark yarn almost make me go blind, but it was he's worth it!
Posted by shannon at 10:19 AM | Comments (5) | For related posts: Christmas Knitting 2005, For Jason, Socks
May 5, 2006
Una Gringa Feliz
Jason called me at work today to tell me that FedEx package from Mexico (and feeling a lot like socks!) had arrived for me. Of course I had set aside this evening for errand running, so I had to squelch my desire to run home immediately and see for myself. Errands run, I flung open our door and found this waiting:

The package was from Andrea of Mexico City, and boy did she treat me right.

That's right, I got two pairs of gorgeous red socks. Two! They are knit from Circulo Fixacao which Andrea noted is essentially the same as Cascade Fixation. And she designed them herself.

The socks are fantastic and fit me beautifully. I never imagined that I'd love the ankle socks as much as I do. In fact, I still have them on right now. But as good as the socks are, there was more! A ball of the Circulo Fixacao in a kicky turquoise (si, Andrea, a mi me gusta este color!), three beautiful postcards, a small handmade wool bag (sort of hidden under the postcards in the picture) perfect for carrying around a small project, and a long letter.
The letter explains why she and I were a perfect pair. I can only wear cotton socks, and the Circulo Fixacao is one of only two sock yarns available in Mexico. We both speak Spanish (me dio alivio darme cuenta que si, todavia se leer espanol!). Obviously Alison did her homework matching us up. But here's the weird part. Andrea wrote that her family has a speciall affection for Ecuador! Her family hosted Ecaudorian medical students training in Mexico, and she herself visted the country a while back. (Andrea - parece que visitaste a todo lado!) What a wonderful coincidence.
Muchisimas gracias, Andrea. I love it all!
Posted by shannon at 12:08 AM | Comments (5) | For related posts: Sockapaloooza
May 4, 2006
This just in...
Sources in the know report a package appearing to contain Sockapaloooza socks has arrived at Casa Gringa! Developing...
Posted by shannon at 3:10 PM | Comments (0) | For related posts: Sockapaloooza
May 2, 2006
Follow progress here!
Posted by shannon at 10:09 AM | Comments (0) | For related posts: Finished Projects
Buen Viaje!

Thanks, Alison, for being such a great hostess -- and not telling any of us to go... well, you know.
Posted by shannon at 10:09 AM | Comments (3) | For related posts: Sockapaloooza, Socks