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May 10, 2007
For the last week and a half, Jason and I have been filling up all of our free time on our newest blog ('cause three isn't enough!): Save Eastern Market. The good news is the market will be rebuilt and we're meeting tons of neighbors and making new friends. The bad news is that the meetings, researching and blogging has cut into my knitting and knit-blogging time. (Let's just overlook the fact that I'd been posting infrequently before the Eastern Market fire, hmmm?)
Last night, however, it finally occurred to me: why am I not knitting my way through these meetings?

If you're in the DC area, come suport the market merchants and vendor this weekend and in the weeks to come --you might see me working at the Capitol Hill Community Foundation table!
Posted by shannon at 3:54 PM | Comments (5) | For related posts: Socks