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March 27, 2008
Cheezit has landed!
Just a quick note since I have a squirming infant on my lap (!!!) -- Annabelle (aka Cheezit) arrived on Saturday, March 22. Everything went well, she's healthy and we're adjusting to life with a newborn. This is fun!

Thanks for all of your great comments on my last entry... they definitely helped me enjoy those last few days before she was born!
Posted by shannon at 10:55 PM | Comments (24) | For related posts: Cheezit
March 19, 2008

Pregnancy can seem to pass very slowly -- at least it has for me. One of the things I did to help the time pass a tiny bit faster was mark off every day on a notepad on my desk at work. When I got into the office this morning, it was quite a triumphant feeling to mark off the last day of the 40th week of my pregnancy. That's right, today's Cheezit's due date! It's been surreal and exciting to see both of my due date buddies have their babies already!
One of the weird pregnancy symptons I've experienced has been a lack of desire to knit. Can you imagine? It's been so distressing. (Fortunately, others have stepped in and produced some beautiful handknits for Cheezit... more on that later.) It's also a large part of the reason that I've been so quiet here -- nothing to show!
The next time I post here, I'll probably have a newborn so I won't make any promises about the imminent return of knitting content. But it -- and I -- will be back. Wish us luck!
Posted by shannon at 11:12 AM | Comments (11) | For related posts: Cheezit