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November 25, 2003

Yippee, Cherry Mango is finally done!
The only little thing that is sort of bothering me is that I made it a little shorter (like, a centimeter!) than the pattern indicated because my mom is really short-waisted. Only problem is that the pattern is for a cropped look. Woops.
With a little luck, my mother's as short as I remember her. If not, Alison will have to teach me how to cut the ribbing so I can add some more on!
Posted by shannon at November 25, 2003 9:56 AM | For related posts: Cherry Mango, For Mom
Although I loooove cutting, I hope you won't have to! Your version of cherry mango really did come out lovely. So pink, so pretty. Mom's gonna love it!
Posted by: alison at November 25, 2003 11:54 PM
Oh, it's soooooo pretty! Nice job, Shannon!
Posted by: Kerstin at November 26, 2003 7:00 AM