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October 16, 2006
I'm On a Deadline Here, People
Day 1:
Go to Crafty Bastard fair in Adams Morgan with my mother-in-law. Fall in love with beautiful bright blue and green colorway of Woolarina's. Imagine it as a baby sweater. Wonder if I have enough time to knit it for the the next weekend's baby shower.* Buy the yarn. Cast on in the evening.

Days 2 through 4:
Do math. Knit. Measure. Rip. Recalculate. Knit again.
Day 5:
Finish pieces. Block.
Day 6:
Seam. Get cocky and cast on for a matching hat.
Day 7:
Attend baby shower, and give it away.

Epilogue - Day 8:
Realize that I love this yarn. Be grateful that I have another whole hank left!
*Also, realize how much I miss my knit-buddies as I struggle to make the decision without a yarn-shopping wing-(wo)man. Hope springs eternal, though -- reading Lolly's Crafty Bastard round-up shows just how great the knitting community is in the nation's capital. (But don't worry, Knitsmiths, you'll always be my first love!)
Posted by shannon at 10:41 PM | Comments (12) | For related posts: Miscellaneous Small Projects
October 11, 2006
A One Track Mind
We were in New York last weekend, and I finally had a chance to deliver Robbie's first birthday sweater.
Here's a little backstory. Robbie is completely and totally obsessed with cars. "Car" is the word he says most often, most clearly, most accurately and -- did I mention often? From the moment he wakes up in the morning until the moment he drifts off to sleep at night, it's a stream of "car.... car? ...CAR!... caaaaar..." It's really cute.
Now the sweater. I decided to make him a cuddly, over-sized sweater and I had the perfect dark-grey All Seasons Cotton in my stash. I used the Mickey pattern (so familiar from when I made it for Robbie before he was born!) as a general guide. The dark grey knit up beautifully, but once I was a few inches up the front I knew that it needed something more. I made a quick trip to my new (!) LYS for an on-sale ball of light grey ASC and spent a bit of time with some graph paper to come up with the perfect sweater for the Robster.

Isn't he the cutest?
In addition to cars, Robbie also loves to walk. He won't really walk unless he's holding on to a hand, so Sunday night after dinner Jason and I walked all the way back to Robbie's apartment with him toddling between us, with one index finger in each chubby fist. It was so fun! On the last block of the walk, I spotted this in the window of a little clothing store. The next day I went back and snapped a picture; if you look closely, you can see something quinessentially New York. Go ahead, click -- see if you can find it!

Posted by shannon at 10:02 PM | Comments (6) | For related posts: For Robbie
October 9, 2006
First of Many

Posted by shannon at 10:55 PM | Comments (5) | For related posts: