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February 6, 2006
Moving Right Along...

In the spirit of getting the knitting and blogging plate "very, very clean" (as Colleen would say) in time for the Olympics to start on Friday, here's something I can move to the Finished Projects file!
I actually finished Clapotis before Christmas, but didn't get around to blocking it until recently. (This didn't stop me from wearing it as a scarf in the interim, of course.) I'd like to go on record saying that Clapotis is like lace when it comes to finishing -- it looks good when it's done, but looks awesome once it's blocked.
Posted by shannon at February 6, 2006 12:01 PM | For related posts: For Me!, Pinnacle Clapotis
Really I think it looks "awesome" when the light is hitting it like that! What a great picture, isn't it nice when the weather cooperates? Lovely
Posted by: Johanna at February 6, 2006 1:47 PM
Oooh, pretty!
Posted by: colleen at February 7, 2006 12:28 PM
I love the Clapotis! Beautiful! Yay for the Knitting Olympics!
Posted by: Carla at February 7, 2006 8:16 PM
I really love your Clapotis too. The yarn color is gorgeous. I loved the color the first time you showed it on the blog and now it's turned into the Clapotis and it's a wonderful fit for it!
Posted by: Wanda at February 9, 2006 8:33 AM