January 15, 2003

Despite some frustrations, it was all worth it. :)
(Click for larger versions!)
Posted by shannon at 4:16 PM | Comments (3) | For related posts: Juli's Baby Blocks
January 6, 2003
All Done!

OK, so I decided I would finished them tonight after all. Despite all of my swearing and protestations, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't really, really happy with them. And just in time for my visit to Bulis tomorrow!
Having said that, I don't know if I'll do them again any time soon.
P.S. -- The colors aren't perfectly accurate in this picture. I took another with the flash, but the colors in that one are a little washed out and too-bright. It's somewhere between the two.)
P.P.S. -- Boogie helped.
Posted by shannon at 2:33 AM | Comments (3) | For related posts: For Juli, Juli's Baby Blocks
January 5, 2003
1 Down, 5 To Go

One block down, five to go. It's a little lumpy (suggestions on how to fix that?) but I'm pretty happy with it.
Posted by shannon at 10:27 PM | For related posts: Juli's Baby Blocks
January 4, 2003
Blocking the Blocks

A picture of the panels of the knitted baby blocks I'm working on, snapped just before I began blocking them. This is my first project that requires precision blocking, and boy do I ever hate it. But the blocks will be cute, and Bulis will be happy. I hope.
Posted by shannon at 2:54 AM | Comments (1) | For related posts: Juli's Baby Blocks