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April 18, 2006
My Sockapaloooza socks are all done -- blocked, ends woven in, and photographed!
This was my first time using Koigu, and will certainly not be my last. In fact, I already have another pair of socks on the needles. (So. behind. on. blogging.)

These socks went really fast, and the pattern was easy to memorize. And how about this for a bonus: there's enough of that yummy Koigu left over for a pair of baby booties!

My next fun task is gathering some treats to put in my pal's box. I'm enjoying this so much! Remind me why I waited until round three to become a Sockapalooozer?
Pattern: Denmark from Knitting on the Road
Yarn: Koigu, 2 skeins (I don't have the labels here, but if I had to guess I'd say the colorway is 439. If I remember to check, I'll update this!)
Needles: US2s
Posted by shannon at 1:19 PM | Comments (9) | For related posts: Sockapaloooza, Socks
April 13, 2006
Candy Colors

The picture's a bit fuzzy (taken with my phone while Jason was out of town with the "real" camera), but you can just make out the fact that my Sockapaloooza socks are (1) done!, and (2) blocking on sock blockers! I used this tutorial to make them myself out of wire hangers -- it was very easy, and a good way to get wire hangers out of my closet where they spend their time putting unsightly bumps in the shoulders of my favorite tops.
Once on the blockers, I sprayed the socks down with water and a tiny bit of Eucalan and hung them up on the shower rod to dry overnight. (Reason #3 I love the homemade sock blockers: the hanger hooks can be used to keep the socks out of the reach of our feline companions, to whom the un-woven ends are irresistible.)
I'll take better pictures this weekend so you can really get a sense of the purple-y goodness of this colorway. And as if the candy colors of Sockapaloooza socks and my shower curtain weren't enough, I leave you with a picture my mom took for the digital photography class she's taking at a local community college. I think she gets it!

Posted by shannon at 10:30 AM | Comments (6) | For related posts: Sockapaloooza, Socks
April 3, 2006
be still my beating heart...
The fabulous, non-stop pretzel-eating, diva known as Syd in her Christmas sweater. (Before you ask, her mom said she wasn't wearing the denim skirt and matching legwarmers because it was just too cold that day for skirts!)
Posted by shannon at 3:16 PM | Comments (2) | For related posts: Christmas Knitting 2005, For Sydney