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February 24, 2007
Welcome Back!
The very first time I saw a picture of Jess Hutch's Robot pattern, I knew I had to make it for Alaina. Though it was late for her birthday this year, I did manage to finish it in time for she and Anil to come and visit us a couple of weeks ago. She liked it -- and we were so happy to so them!

It was bitterly cold the weekend they visited, and since the've just moved back to the East Coast Anil did not have a good enough hat. I grabbed some leftover worsted-weight yarn, and did what I could to rectify that situation. By the time they left for New York at the end of the weekend, they had a pair of handknits to take with them.

Posted by shannon at 9:24 PM | Comments (9) | For related posts: For Alaina, For Anil, Miscellaneous Small Projects, Robot
Posted by shannon at 3:45 PM | Comments (0) | For related posts: Finished Projects
February 14, 2007
Second Time Around
When there's a new niece or nephew on the way, I try to knit one sweater for them before they are born. When I asked Jason's sister what sweater she wanted for not-yet-born Cal, she asked for the the same star sweater that I made for Robbie before he was born. She even wanted the same colors!
In an effort to add something new into the knitting of this sweater, I knit it with Dale of Norway Stork instead of the Rowan 4-ply cotton called for in the pattern. The yarn was a delight to knit with - stitches came out even and it's so soft.
I finished it and gave it to Cal at Christmas, and waited for the knitting boomerang. This week, it arrived!

Speaking of Robbie, we're off to see him in New York this weekend. Hmm, I wonder if I can get some yarn shopping in while we're there...
Posted by shannon at 4:20 PM | Comments (4) | For related posts: For Callum
February 13, 2007
Mixed Feelings
I buzzed over to Colleen's place the other morning (as I do everyday, she's so good about the regular posting!), and saw that she referenced my nifty Namaste bag. It reminded me that I had taken pictures of it, put hadn't posted about it yet. (Unlike Colleen, I'm not so good about the regular posting.)

It's a delightful bag -- roomy, expandable and in some of my favorite colors -- both inside and out! Jason really knows how to spoil a girl.

The thing that really got me to post was Colleen's reference to the problems I had with the bag. Jason and I exchanged presents before we left for our holiday trip to London, and I was thrilled to have it to pack my knitting and carry it on in the plane. It was spacious enough to accomodate my knitting projects as well as my purse, a book, and a few other small travel necessities. It's a bit tall to fit under the airplane seats (especially in the ultra-cramped environs of trans-Atlantic cattle class, ugh), but it's maleable enough to make it work with a little persistence.
A few days after we arrived, however, I noticed that one of the seams was beginning the fray and separate on the back of the bag. I was disappointed, but put off doing anything about it until our whirlwind travels ended -- we got back from the UK and turned around for Boston about a week later. It was during this jaunt to Boston that I saw Colleen at Knitsmiths, and by that time there was another fraying/separating spot on the front of the bag as well.
When we got home again, Jason e-mailed the folks at Namaste to let them know. They were extremely apologetic, and offered to send me a brand new bag as well as a shipping label to return to defective one. I got it just a few days later -- with a nice note, too! It's too bad that the bag started to come apart so quickly, but Namaste's response was just right: apologize and quickly and efficiently replace the bag. I haven't had a chance to use the new one to see how it holds up, but I can certainly attest to good customer service.
Posted by shannon at 11:54 AM | Comments (4) | For related posts:
February 5, 2007
Good Timing

Today was the coldest day all year, so it was appropriate that I sent off some knitted goods to Food & Friends!
The organization is collecting handknit winter accessories to distribute to its clients -- chronically ill DC residents that depend on Food & Friends for the delivery of their meals. It was a great way to chalk up some mindless knitting and find good uses for some leftover stash.
The two scarves on the left are made of Lion Brand Cashmere Blend that I picked up expressly for this purpose while at Sarah's delightful swap. The middle scarf is out of Lamb's Pride Worsted leftover from an almost-finished secret project, and the pink scarf is from this sweater's remnants. The red scarf is made of yarn left from my Clapotis, the striped hat is made from...uh, can't-remember-exactly-which woolly yarn and the black one is a lace cap in Calmer. I had just washed it to prepare for Winter wear (by me!), but remembered that it hadn't gotten much use last year. Better that it go to somebody who will appreciate it, says I!
Posted by shannon at 11:08 PM | Comments (3) | For related posts: