September 1, 2003
Size (and Color!) Matters

After being told that previous pictures didn't do justice to the sweater's size and color, I'm trying again! Remember how I started these socks because I had extra yarn? Well, turns out that I didn't have quite enough to finish the tippy-toe of the second sock (of course). I ended up buying another ball of yarn to finish it. I couldn't just let that first sock be lonely!
Posted by shannon at 10:35 PM | Comments (3) | For related posts: For Henry, Miscellaneous Small Projects
August 29, 2003
Secret Project

So this is what I've been hiding from you. Last week, Alison and I went to the far-away yarn shop and I (desperate for a project amidst my stress), picked up this pattern. I figured it was a good pattern to have around, and I decided that I would make it for Jason's nephew Henry and that it would be this year's first Christmas project.
I used Debbie Bliss' wool cotton in Ultramarine, and when the sweater was done I had some yarn left... so, I started my first-ever sock! I used this pattern (changed it a bit, of course) and it was pretty straight-forward. It turned out a bit big, but I'm hoping that Henry can wear them as "shoes" over smaller socks this winter.
I'm off to knit that lonely sock's partner!
Posted by shannon at 11:36 PM | Comments (2) | For related posts: For Henry, Miscellaneous Small Projects
June 6, 2003
R.'s Baby Blankets
Seriously, people have GOT to stop having babies.
After completing this blanket for the Seattle baby, and this blanket for my friend Dana's baby (who was born on Monday!) I started Peaches for Jason's sister's shower.
I picked up the pattern book and the yarn from The Yarn Barn in San Antonio during Spring Break. (I should add here that The Yarn Barn is the closest thing to knitting nirvana that I have ever experienced. SO much yarn, and SO many nice and helpful people working there!) I decided to deviate from the pattern a bit and use all the different shades of blue that I could find Rowan Handknit DK Cotton instead of the ice-cream-y colors that they selected. (R. is expecting a boy.)

This pattern knits up really fast, so about halfway through it I figured I could do a second one in time for the baby shower. I used Bernat's LoveBug for this blanket, and stuck to just three different colored stripes (Glowworm White, Beetle Blue and Butterfly Ombre). Also, instead of stopping when the pattern said to stop I kept going until I ran out of yarn. It made for a longer blanket, obviously.

Finally, halfway through the second blanket I had an epiphany. I had just enough yarn left over from the Redskins' hats I had made for this baby and his father for Christmas to make... you guessed it, another blanket with this basic pattern. I stopped knitting the second blanket and cast on with Redskins' maroon and gold.*

By this point it should be pretty clear that I was delusional. And if it isn't clear, let this final twist make it so: About a third of the way through the Redskins' blanket, I decided that I could knit the word "Redskins" into one of the stripes. Never mind that I have no pattern and have never done anything like this before. I used Excel to devise a pattern, and after one false start, it worked. I was a little overexuberant with my tension though, and as a result there are some puckered spots around the lettering. No matter, it was still a big hit!
*I paid for my overzealousness, too. Only one of the blankets was knit and finished in time for the shower. The Redskins' blanket was knit, but not finished and the LoveBug blanket was still on the needles. They are finished and in R.'s hands now, though, and she's still got 6 weeks before baby comes so I think it worked out ok!
Posted by shannon at 3:40 PM | Comments (1) | For related posts: For Henry, Miscellaneous Small Projects
January 8, 2003

I went to Jason's sister's new apartment last weekend to help them move in. I was coming directly from the bus station (just back from a quick out-of-town trip), so I asked R. (Jason's sister) where I should throw my stuff so that it would be out of the way. She directed me to the guest room, and as I entered I noticed that both Jason's mom and brother had worn the scarves I made them for Christmas (picture on the left). That made me smile.
I dropped my stuff on the bed, and as I turned to leave I saw that Jason's brother-in-law has his Gringa-knit Redskins* hat on the dresser (picture on the right). If you look closely, you can see that the baby-sized companion hat underneath.
Anyway, it made my day to see that everybody likes their presents!
*Because I'm a big believer in being nice during the holidays, I resisted the temptation to make a baby Eagles hat instead. But rest assured, it's coming.
Posted by shannon at 11:44 PM | For related posts: Christmas Scarves, For Henry, For John, For Noah, For Shirley