February 2, 2006
Holding My Breath

So, here's the score on Pam. The back and one sleeve (above) are completely knit, as well as about half of one front. That has used up 6.25 balls of yarn. It's definitely time to start looking for a back-up plan, that's way too close for comfort. Ack, the anxiety!
I'm also holding my breath for...
... my new laptop! It should be delivered to my apartment at any minute, but I won't be able to get my hands on it until this evening. I can't wait!
Posted by shannon at 12:46 PM | Comments (3) | For related posts: Pam
January 19, 2006
Helping Hands
To those who offered suggestions on how how to bind-off my toe-up sock -- thank you! I'm going to try your suggestions this weekend, and I'll report back on the results next week.
There's been a lot of protesting from Alison regarding my progess on the zip-up cardigan race project coordination we're having. And since she's got smaller gauge, is planning the sure-to-be massive Sockapaloooza, is under the weather, and just scrapped an entire project... I figured I'd take it easy on her this week and focus on something(s) else.
One day while wondering the knitblog world, I stumbled upon this post over at Pepper Knits. She had knit Pam from Rowan 30 -- a pattern that calls for Rowan Wool Cotton -- in Debbie Bliss Wool Cotton. It just so happened that I'd been holding on to a bag of Debbie Bliss Wool Cotton for over six months waiting for the perfect project. Sometimes waiting pays off.

Reinforced with the knowledge that somebody else had done it before me, I charged ahead with the finer-gauge yarn. Halfway up the back, I started to really worry about running out. So I e-mailed Minty Fresh -- with whom I have had no previous contact, mind you -- and she responded quickly and cheerfully with some very good information, not to mention an offer to swap me some balls of yarn if she had the color I needed (unfortunately, I don't think she does). How helpful is she?!

I'm still pretty worried about running out of yarn, but I'm going to knit a sleeve next -- which will give me a good idea of whether it's doable or not. I'll be sad if it's a no-go, but I've been thinking about what fabulous knit I can make with the yarn if Pam doesn't work out. Having a good fall-back pattern is always a soothing salve for the wounded knitter!
Posted by shannon at 12:04 PM | Comments (9) | For related posts: For Me!, Pam